Building our Individual Strengths – Functioning Together – Changing our Communities

Building our Individual Strengths – Functioning Together – Changing our Communities

by Alison Acker

We started the session with a discussion about the assigned readings and videos we did over the month, getting into the mindset of applying these tips and skills to our own lives and how we can take these skills to become more effective leaders. Then, we discussed each other’s colors and questions in a safe place in order to try and better understand each other and work together. Everyone functions differently and is not exactly like any single color. Finding a balance within ourselves and with each other is important. What does frustration look like for each color? Be able to identify triggers in yourself and gain a better understanding of each color in order to interpret and help each other. Understanding what a person needs when frustrated (alone time, comfort, etc.). Blues would prefer people to be there for them while greens need alone time.

 To functionally work together as a team, we need to be aware of other people’s comfort levels. 

Some frustrations we may have with people, while we may view them as faults may actually demonstrate their strengths, they are just opposite to ours. Someone who may seem inflexible has strengths like being prudent or decisive. It is important to put ourselves into the shoes of people who differ from us without demeaning them. Towards the end of the of the session we discussed project topics and the importance of playing an active role in society. Challenge the status quo, adapt to the change that is happening in society, we cannot stay complicit. The problems that we are seeing now are what arise when changes are not made. What are you bringing into your community? Seek to be that positive influence and give back to your community.