Trailblazers – Session 8 – Tricia Rose

Trailblazers—that’s what they’re calling us.  Professionals.  Leaders.  The Leadership Waupaca County Class XX has just had our last class session before final presentations. This session was unique and unlike any that came before our particular class.  Why?  Because we were forced to meet online via Zoom, due to the historic COVID-19 pandemic. Sure, we could […]


Leadership Waupaca County Looks ahead to Class XXI

LWC Class XX just finished – we thank the participants and supporters of this program for your flexibility and pioneer-spirit as we maneuvered through the last session and graduation via ZOOM.  Looking ahead to Class XXI….. With the current COVID-19 situation, we do not have the applications or deadlines in place for Class XXI.  We […]


Leadership Waupaca County Goes to Madison – Session 5 – Pam Kolb

LEADERSHIP WAUPACA COUNTY GOES TO MADISON By Pam Kolb Session 5 consisted of two full days in Madison, Wisconsin to increase our knowledge and understanding of Wisconsin Government and issues affecting the entire state. Once our group arrived in Madison., we went straight to the State Capitol building. There we were welcomed by Representative Kevin […]


Witty Dairy Dude – Session 3 – Katherine Freund

Witty Dairy Dude by Katherine Freund Leadership Waupaca County Class 20, Session 3 had a full packed agenda of agriculture and dairy speakers.  Our first speaker, Greg Blonde, was loaded with statistics and shared data that illuminated the importance of farming in our community. Richard Wagner, a lifelong dairy farmer, was a humble man with a […]


Leading Across Boundaries – Blog Post Session 2

Leading Across Boundaries by Nick Desrochers At Fox Valley Technical College in Clintonville, we had the privilege of hearing from Lyna M. Matesi, a professor from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. Lyna shared the ways we can lead by going across boundaries.  We have to span our boundaries outside of our circle to make […]


Vulnerability:Why do we need it? Blog Post Session 2

Vulnerability: Why do we need it?  by Katie Gerrits We talked about vulnerability quite a bit in session two. Not only is “leaning into vulnerability” the focus of Brené Brown’s book: Dare to Lead, but vulnerability can also go hand-in-hand with our guest speaker Lyna Matesi’s topic of Leading Across Boundaries. For me, the topic […]


Real Colors

Real Colors By Lori Schmidt Imagine having the ability to clearly communicate your thoughts and ideas to coworkers, friends and family. Picture yourself having a unique level of insight into the things that motivate you and others. Envision achieving all the things you want from life, both personally and professionally. You see, the power to […]


The Five Ground Rules for Leadership Waupaca County

The Five Ground Rules for Leadership Waupaca County by Michael Lee Last week was our first session of Leadership Waupaca County. We met at the beautiful Clear Water Harbor Bar located in King Wisconsin. During our day we did many activities and also had the privilege of listening to a wonderful talk from Dr. Jasia […]