There are a lot of climate change resources available. Here are a few we have found especially helpful in developing climate change awareness and action.
Climate and Culture Curriculum Resources
- G-WOW Changing Climate, Changing Culture Website… a robust website that integrates place-based and indigenous knowledge with the latest “academic” science to investigate how climate change is affecting traditional Ojibwe lifeways and people of all cultures to promote climate action.
- Minisan -Connecting Ojibwe Ecological Knowledge to Climate Change Website…offers a virtual journey to explore how climate change is affecting twelve ecosystems within Wenaboozhoo Minisaning (Lake Superior’s Apostle Islands) based on Ojibwe ecological knowledge and adaptation strategies.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge & Climate Change Resources
- Aanji-bimaadiziimagak o’ow aki- Climate Vulnerability Assessment… a pdf download that describes the vulnerability of 66 plant and animal beings (species) to climate change based on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of the Lake Superior Ojibwe people and “academic” science. A rich resource for understanding the impacts of climate change on treaty rights and Ojibwe culture. Additional climate resources from the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission are available via this link.
- Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad-A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu... a pdf download for integrating Ojibwe indigenous ecological knowledge, culture, and language into climate adaptation actions.
Scientific Ecological Knowledge Climate Resources-Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Climate Connection… the University of Wisconsin-Extension’s climate change website!
- Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts... a website that provides resources to understand the science of climate change, mitigation, and adaption strategies. Climate change projections are depicted using easy to understand maps.
- Wisconsin State Climatology Office… specialized information on monthly and yearly changes in Wisconsin’s weather and climate.
- Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science... a robust website from the US Forest Service featuring climate impacts on northern forests, including Wisconsin.
- Changes in Lake Superior Ice Cover, supporting documentation: Bayfield Harbor Ice Dates 1857-2011.
- “Bad River Youth Video: “Protect Our Rice” Video: Produced by Bad River tribal youth during the 2012 Tribal Youth Media
Workshop with the assistance of Patty Loew, Ph.D. Professor, UW-Madison Dept. Life Sciences Communication . Explores wild rice as a cultural resource and examines threats to it, including weather and mining.
Scientific Ecological Knowledge: National and Global
- Vital Signs of the Planet… A robust NASA website exploring research on global climate change, evidence of change, and solutions.
-… A website from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) website featuring global and national climate news, interactive climate mapping, teaching resources, and resilience tools.
- Climate Change… An Environmental Protection Agency website with a variety of tools for investigating climate change affecting the USA.
Climate Communication Resources
- Yale Climate Communication 2023 Public Opinion Maps, and Yale Climate Communications Interactive Tools
- Psychology of Climate Change Communication
- “Climate Change and the American Mind- 2023“, Yale Center for Climate Change Communication, 2023