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Commercial – Certification Categories

These are the commercial certification categories offered in the State of Wisconsin. However, if you apply pesticides to produce an agricultural commodity AND you do it on property that you or your employer owns or controls, then please click “Private Applicator” in the menu above. Otherwise, you are in the right spot.
There are 17 Commercial Applicator base categories and 3 subcategories. If you need to be certified as a pesticide applicator, you will need to get certified in the appropriate category(ies) and, if applicable, subcategory(ies).
You can purchase training materials for each of the categories. For more information about what’s in the manuals, and the types of training materials see the Training Materials page. You can also view a podcast that explains the different type of training materials we offer.
Commercial Categories
1.1 Field & Vegetable Crops – 9th edition, released 2023 – This category is for commercial applicators applying pesticides to field and vegetable crops, including planter-box treatments. It also includes those using pesticides on non-crop agricultural land, pastures, fallow land, grassland, prairie, and CRP land. PURCHASE / COMPLIANCE MANUAL
APPENDIX – Disease Management – Insect Pest Management – Pesticide Laws & Regulations – Principles of Pest Management – Rodent & Pest Bird Management – Weed Management – Record Keeping
1.2 Fruit Crops – 9th Edition, released 2024 – This category is for those applying pesticides to produce fruit crops such as small fruits, cranberries, tree fruits, and nuts as agricultural commodities. Those contracting out their services would be commercial applicators. PURCHASE
1.3 Livestock & Poultry – 7th Edition, released 2020 – This category includes custom applicators making applications to livestock and poultry structures where agricultural animals, including animals raised for meat, dairy, and/or fiber; poultry and horses are confined. Also for commercial horse stable operators and white washers using a pesticide mix. PURCHASE
2.0 Forestry – 9th Edition, released 2024 – This category includes custom applicators treating forested areas, and for state and county employees managing forests for timber production. This category is also for forest nurseries and tree seed-producing areas, Christmas tree operations, and custom loggers treating stumps. PURCHASE
3.0 Turf & Landscape – 9th edition, released 2024 – This category is for custom applicators treating sod; lawn care professionals; arborists, golf course or cemetery workers, public/private researchers; park/campground employees; custodians/groundskeepers and public school employees treating turf/athletic fields on school property. PURCHASE / COMPLIANCE MANUAL
APPENDIX – Pesticide Laws & Regulations – Principles of Pest Management – Insect Management – Weed Management – Disease Management – Supplemental Transpiration Regulation Information – Record Keeping
3.1 Greenhouse & Nursery – 6th edition, released 2024 – This category is for custom applicators contracting out work in greenhouses & nurseries. (If you are a private applicator wanting to get certified in this category please click “Private Applicator” in the menu at the top of the page. PURCHASE
4.0 Seed Treatment – 8th edition, released 2024 – This category is for people treating seed with pesticides in seed facilities and anyone treating seed on-farm other than planter boxes. Private applicators can apply to seed they use on their land with a General Farming Certification, see “Private Applicator” above. PURCHASE
5.0 Aquatic & Mosquito – 9th edition, released 2024 – This category is for custom applicators controlling aquatic pests (such as algae, aquatic weeds, or fish); mosquito control applications to control mosquito larvae in water; DNR employees or public health officials controlling aquatic pests; employees of golf courses, institutions, commercial businesses, or parks, treating private ponds on such sites. This category could also be used for private fish farm operators (as an alternative to private applicator General Farming certification if not making any applications other than for aquaculture). In addition to certification in this category, you must meet DNR permit requirements for aquatic applications (contact your Regional DNR Office for permit requirements). PURCHASE / COMPLIANCE MANUAL
5.1 Antifouling Paints – 6th edition, released 2020 – This category is for the application of antifouling paints to boat hulls, buoys, underwater equipment, pipes, or other underwater structures to prevent the growth of aquatic plants or animals in or on submerged surfaces. PURCHASE
6.0 Right of Way & Natural Areas – 9th edition, released 2024 – This category is for those doing vegetation management on right-of-ways, including roadsides, median strips, fire lanes, pipelines, railways and runways, under power lines and around power stations, stream bank or drainage ditch treatments above the high-water mark and non-selective control in right-of-way sites (substations, parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, patios, cell towers, some trails).
This category is also for those using pesticides to restore and maintain natural areas, including preparing land that will be transitioned to a natural area. Also, native, undeveloped, or wild land that is preserved or restored and managed for its natural features, including parks, forests, and native grasslands on public or private land and controlling invasive plants. For those who just control invasive plants. PURCHASE
7.1 Structural Pest Control – 9th edition, released 2022 – This category is for those who use pesticides to control pests (including vertebrates, birds, and arthropods) in or around food handling establishments, industrial establishments, residences, schools, institutions, warehouses, grain elevators, kennels, and any other private/public structures. PURCHASE / COMPLIANCE MANUAL
7.2 Space & Commodity Fumigation – 9th edition, released 2022 -This category is for those who use fumigant pesticides in industrial, institutional, structural buildings or fumigation of rail cars, trucks, ships, planes, docks, warehouses, grain elevators, food storage areas, and other buildings. Treatment methods include general, spot, tarpaulin, chamber, vehicle, and in-transit fumigation and pest mammal burrow fumigation to control pests. PURCHASE
7.3 Termite Control – 7th edition, released in 2022. This category is for commercial pest control operators working to prevent or control termite infestations in structures other than by wood preservation (e.g., treating joists with borates). PURCHASE
7.4 Wood Preservation – 7th edition, released in 2022. This category is for those who use both pressure or non-pressure treatments of wood such as treating raw wood products, sapstain control at sawmills, treating residential decks, brush-on treatments to cut ends of treated lumber, railroad tie repair, groundline retreatment of utility poles and injection of fumigants into standing poles or pilings. PURCHASE
7.5 Sewer Line Root Control – 2nd edition, released in 2022. This category is for sewer line clearance contractors and municipal employees clearing sewer lines with pesticides. PURCHASE
11.0 Companion Animals – 6th edition, released in 2021. This category is for pet groomers and employees of pet boarding businesses/animal service industries who treat pets for external pests (fleas, ticks, mites, lice). This includes using pesticidal shampoos and dips, prediluted sprays, pour-ons, spot-ons, and dusts. People may treat areas other than homes, residences, or lawns where pets are confined (e.g. kennels). PURCHASE
24.0 Mixer & Loader – This category is for those who are not involved in actually applying pesticides. For those who only mix & load application equipment for others who do the applications. The manual received is the same as the regular category, but some of the chapters are not tested on. If you need a category other than Field & Vegetable, please let us know and we will provide the manual you need. PURCHASE
Commercial Subcategories
Applicators must obtain certification in a base category before becoming certified in any subcategory.
9.9 Aerial Applicator – 6th edition, released 2023. This category is for those using airplanes, helicopters, or unmanned aircraft systems (drones) to apply any pesticide. Includes operation of aircraft by remote control. You must hold a valid pilot’s license for manned systems or FAA qualifications for operating unmanned aircraft systems. If making aquatic applications you must meet DNR permit requirements for aquatic applications (contact your Regional DNR Office for permit requirements). PURCHASE
25.0 Soil Fumigation – 3rd edition, released 2023. This category is for applicators that fumigate soil, greenhouse soil, and potting mixes. If soil fumigant is applied by chemigation, you also need to certify in the Chemigation subcategory (see below).
Special Notes: Certification in this subcategory does not cover the use of non-soil fumigants. Private or commercial applicators must certify in commercial category 7.2 Space & Commodity Fumigation to use non-soil fumigants, (e.g., phosphine in a grain bin). PURCHASE
26.0 Chemigation – 6th edition, released 2023. This category is for making applications of pesticides through a chemigation system — a device that mixes irrigation water and pesticide, (e.g., center pivot or drip irrigation systems). It also covers the operation of an urban pesticide misting system that draws water from any source, (e.g., mosquito misting systems). Chemigation applications to both agricultural commodities and non-agricultural sites are covered. This subcategory does not include hand-held hose-end sprayers and hand-held greenhouse proportioners. If you apply soil fumigants through chemigation equipment you must also become certified in the Soil Fumigation subcategory as well as this one. PURCHASE