Activity 8: Rental Records

(Objective 4: Increase understanding of the importance of rental records.)

Suggested Introduction: There are important documents to have and keep during a rental period. These documents help both tenants and landlords remember what agreements have been made, if and when rent was paid, how you have communicated with each other during the rental period, and the condition of the property when the tenant moved in. Communicating via email provides both the landlord and tenant with copies of who said what to who and when. If you are given paper copies of important rental documents, you can take pictures of them using your phone.


Brainstorm with the group the documents they have heard discussed that would be important to keep. Provide Handout 9: Rental Records and suggest ways to retain the records such as a sealable bag, folder or envelope. The instructor may choose to provide these items to get participants started on the right track.

Optional: Print the list of rental records on a label that can be attached to a sealable bag, folder or envelope. Provide each participant with this record holder including their Rent Smart certificate.