(Objective 2: Identify resources to help locate potential rental properties.)
- No Handouts
Suggested Introduction: Once you know what you are looking for and how much you can afford; you can start searching for rental units. There are many ways to locate rental housing.
Ask participants to share sources they have used when looking for rental housing. Put their ideas on a flip chart or white board. Here are some possible options:
- Friends and family
- Print sources, i.e., newspaper, rental magazines
- Bulletin boards located in businesses
- “For rent” signs
- Non-profit housing agencies
- Faith community
- Electronic bulletin boards, Facebook, websites
- Apps
- Property management company
- Wisconsin Housing Search
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each source.
OPTIONAL: Share specific sources in your community, i.e., websites, electronic bulletin boards. If there is access to the internet in the room where this lesson is being taught, you can show these sites to participants. Many public libraries provide free computer access.