(Objective 3: Learn strategies for comparing and inspecting rental units.)
- Handout 3: Case Study Matrix
- Instructor Materials: Case Study Comparison Units Completed Checklists Select those appropriate for class based on program participants.
- Handout 4: Rental Property Checklist
- Handout 5: Don’t Rent Trouble
- Flashlight, hairdryer, light bulb, paper/pencil if you will be using pictures and props instead of video.
Provide Handout 3: Case Study Matrix and the Case Study Comparison Units Completed Checklist(s) appropriate for the class. Individually, or in groups of three to four, have participants read the assigned case study on Handout 3: Case Study Matrix and review the corresponding Case Study Comparison Units Completed Checklists. Have participants select the best rental unit for their assigned case by reading the assigned case study and determining which Unit (A, B, or C) best meets the renter’s needs and budget.
Ask participants the following questions after they have read the case study in the matrix and reviewed the Case Study Comparison Units Completed Checklists.
- Which unit is most convenient?
- Which rental unit has more of what the tenant wants? Why?
- Which has the most features/conveniences?
- Which feature would be important to the tenant?
- If you were the tenant, which would you choose? Why?
Provide Handout 4: Rental Property Checklist and Handout 5: Don’t Rent Trouble.
Suggested Introduction: You may use the blank Rental Property Checklist for comparing rental units in your own search. However, finding a decent place to live also requires a thorough tour and inspection. This is your potential home, so treat your first visit like an inspection. It is helpful to have a process for comparing units.
Show video introducing how to inspect a rental unit from UW-Extension:
For optimum participation select closed captioning when showing videos in a classroom setting.
(Credit: Neighborworks, Green Bay, for video location.)
Discuss the list of things to inspect on Handout 5: Don’t Rent Trouble. If you do not have the ability to show a video, bring the listed props and discuss Handout 5: Don’t Rent Trouble.