(Objective 2: Gain knowledge of legal procedures related to rental agreements and Objective 3: understand procedures to follow when ending a rental agreement.)
Suggested Introduction: Ending a rental agreement ideally occurs at the end of the term of the agreement. However, sometimes tenants want to leave the property before the term is over and sometimes the landlord wants the tenant to move out. Because a rental agreement is a legally binding contract both parties have obligations to each other as stated in the terms of the agreement. Wisconsin Landlord Tenant Law defines proper notifications and procedures to follow when ending rental agreements. You can also consult a lawyer or the Tenant Resource Center on how to terminate a lease.
Distribute copies of Handout 5: Moving On Quiz. Have participants work individually or in pairs to complete the quiz. Following the completion of this task, facilitate a discussion using Instructor Materials: Moving On Quiz Answer Key.
Discuss best practices when a tenant wants to leave the property at the end of the rental agreement term. It is recommended that the tenant notify the landlord of their intent to vacate the premise ahead of time. The notice given to the landlord will depend on the type of rental agreement you have: annual, month-to-month, etc. Read your rental agreement to know what is expected of tenants when they end the agreement. This helps protect your right to the return of your security deposit as well as not being charged for rent after the month you move out. Keep a copy of the notice you give the landlord.
If you need to vacate the property before the rental agreement is over, talk to your landlord about your options. Find out if you can end the lease early, if you can sublet the property, or they can offer/have another solution. You can also consult a lawyer or the Tenant Resource Center about your options.
Likewise, when a landlord wants a tenant to vacate the property at the end of the agreement, the landlord will usually provide written notice of this intent. If the Rental Agreement has an automatic renewal the terms of the initial rental agreement remain in place. If a tenant violates a provision of the rental agreement, the landlord must notify the tenant of the violation and follow state laws regarding rights to cure the violation, or begin the legal process of evicting the tenant.