IoH Operating on Highway Laws

As many of you are aware the laws related to operating implements of husbandry (IoH) on Wisconsin highways has changed significantly since 2014. There are new lighting and marking requirements in addition to changes in rules of the road that change how IoH are to be operated on a highway. Since Wisconsin Safe Operation of […]


Are you looking for a Tractor and Machinery program?

Like many things in 2020 the Wisconsin Safe Operation of Tractor and Machinery Programs have been impacted by the pandemic. These programs are offered as local UW-Madison Extension or high school agricultural education programs. If you are looking for a program, contact your local county UW Extension office or high school’s agricultural education department. We’re […]


Skid steer Operation by Youth Employees

Questions continue to be asked regarding youth employees and student learners operating skid steers. Here’s the basic as the laws apply. Employers are encouraged to contact the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) with more specific questions. Operation of skid steers is not covered by the Wisconsin Safe Operation of Tractor and Machinery Certification Program. Regulations […]


WI Safe Operation of Tractor and Machinery Certification Programs

The attached presentation was presented by Cheryl Skjolaas, Interim Director and Agricultural Safety Speicalist, UW Madison/Extension Center for Agricultural Safety and Health,  to Wisconsin Ag Teachers during Half-Time in the Locker Room, January 10, 2015. Presentation discussed the basis for the WI Safe Operation of Tractor and Machinery Certification Program. HOA final compressed If you […]