BEP Decision Tree 1a – People to change behavior

I need to develop an education program or outreach strategy:

Tree 1 – To tackle a specific water use or management problem.

Tree 1a: Solving this problem requires people to change their behavior.



Has a specific target audience been identified?

[Select one.]



NOTE: A target audience is a segment of the population that has a specific opportunity to take action on the problem you have identified. The target audience may also be a segment of the population that is specifically affected by the problem you have identified.



A specific target audience has not been identified. 

Use social marketing techniques to identify a specific target audience.



A specific target audience has been identified.

[Select one.]

♦ The target audience is an adult audience.

♦ The target audience is a youth audience.




The target audience is an adult audience. 

Assess the audience (formally or informally) to determine IF:

  • The adults recognize a need to change.

  • The adults have the skills and/or resources to change.

  • The adults have interests (wants or needs) related to this water problem.

    THEN . . . 

Use information about the audience to design education or outreach opportunities that increase awareness, build knowledge and skills, and to provide practice opportunities about the specific water management problem.


Communication, or teaching strategies following environmental education principles.

♦ Effective outreach strategies; review adult education principles.

♦ Effective outreach strategies for this specific target audience; review research findings.




The target audience is a youth audience.  

[Select one.]

♦ It is possible to work with youth in a formal education program

♦ t is possible to work with youth in a nonformal education program

♦ I’m not sure how I can work with youth.


Formal education

It is possible to work with youth in a formal education program.

♦ Work with schools and other formal education settings to incorporate topic specific teaching strategies that build skills and understanding for this topic.

 ♦ Apply environmental education principles when selecting or developing teaching strategies.

♦ Review development theory and youth education principles to help identify teaching strategies that best meet the needs of this age group.

NOTE: A formal education program generally refers to an organized learning process with established requirements that leads to a diploma, degree, or certificate.



Nonformal education program

It is possible to work with youth in a nonformal education program.

♦ Work with local agencies or organizations to incorporate topic specific teaching strategies to build skills and understanding for this topic.

♦ Apply environmental education principles when selecting or developing teaching strategies.

♦ Review development theory and youth education principles to help identify teaching strategies that best meet the needs of this age group


A nonformal education program generally refers to an organized learning process where attendance or performance outcomes are not required. It does not lead to a degree, diploma, or certificate, although a nonformal education program often provides participants with recognition of their achievements. Nonformal education can take place in a variety of settings.

An informal education program generally refers to education or learning that results from voluntary exposure or investigation of information such as when a person watches a TV program, reads the newspaper or a book, or visits a zoo or museum, but does not participate in an organized program.



How to work with youth

I’m not sure how I can work with youth.

♦ Work with schools, local agencies, or organizations to build a youth education and/or leadership program for this specific topic.

♦ Review Tools for Teaching: Tips for Programs, for a range of examples of successful youth programs