BEP Decision Tree 1d – Solving a problem requires additional information

I need to develop an education program or outreach strategy:

Tree 1 – To tackle a specific water use or management problem.

Tree 1d: Solving this problem requires additional information or help in assessing solution options.


[Select one.]

Information to solve the problem is missing, is not adequate, or is hard to access.

There is adequate and accessible information to develop a solution to the problem.


Information to solve the problem is missing, is not adequate, or is hard to access.

If information required to solve the problem is missing, not adequate, or is hard to access . . .

Use communication, teaching strategies, citizen participation or community involvement strategies, in collaboration with government officials and interested groups to clarify what information is missing.Identify potential sources of information.

Provide training to create or access information.


There is adequate and accessible information to develop a solution to the problem.

[Select one.]

The target audience does not know about the information or doesn’t understand it.

The target audience knows about the information and can understand it, but does not apply their information to assessing solution options.


There is adequate and accessible information to develop a solution to the problem.

The target audience does not know about the information or doesn’t understand it.

Depending on the situation, use communication, teaching strategies, citizen participation, environmental education principles or community involvement to present data and to engage and train the target audience in analyzing implications and developing solutions.


There is adequate and accessible information to develop a solution to the problem.

The target audience knows about the information and can understand it, but does not apply their information to assessing solution options.

Depending on the situation, use teaching strategies, citizen participation or community involvement to engage the target audience in analyzing implications and developing solutions.Provide leadership training and training to build civic empowerment skills.