BEP Decision Tree 2a – Community to meet a water goal: resident understanding

I need to develop an education program or outreach strategy:

Tree 2 – To increase public awareness or help the community to meet a water goal

Tree 2a: Solving this problem requires increased understanding of ecological assets, socioeconomic assets, or the impact of water-related behaviors or activities.


Has one or more specific target audiences been identified to meet a community goal requiring increased  understanding of: 

  • The functions (ecological assets) of water in the community?
  • The socioeconomic assets or uses of water in the community? or
  • The impacts of water-related behaviors or activities?





One or more specific target audiences have not been identified.

To solve a problem that requires increased understanding of ecological assets, socioeconomic assets, or the impact of water-related behaviors or activities.

Segment the public into potential target audiences. To effectively address your goal of improving public awareness and understanding, you will need to provide outreach strategies that meet the wants, needs or interests of that specific audience.

Use audience assessment (social science techniques) to further identify characteristics of one or more target audiences.

Use social marketing techniques to identify wants, needs, and interests of the target audience you select.