BEP Decision Tree 2c – Community to meet a water goal: community capacity

I need to develop an education program or outreach strategy:

Tree 2 – To increase public awareness or help the community to meet a water goal

Tree 2c: Solving this problem requires increased community capacity to identify and carry out management solutions.


Meeting a community goal requires community members to help identify and carry out management solutions.

[Select any that are applicable to your situation.]

Do residents or stakeholders know how to participate and are they motivated to participate? 



Do community members or stakeholders have appropriate information resources to create or assess management solution ideas? 



Do residents or stakeholders have the knowledge and skills needed to take action themselves or to contribute constructive ideas and relevant information to a group effort? 



Do residents or stakeholders have opportunities for authentic participation in designing and carrying out management solutions? That is, does participation lead to results and can participants identify how their efforts made a difference? 




Residents or stakeholders know how to participate and are motivated to participate.



Use communication or teaching strategies to increase awareness, to provide information, and to build knowledge about agency or community activities.



Evaluate effectiveness of communication about community participation and involvement opportunities.

Assist those responsible to revise and adapt communication or training activities in response to findings.


Community members or stakeholders have appropriate information resources to create or assess management solution ideas.



Use communication, teaching strategies, citizen participation, or community involvement strategies to:

  • clarify what information is needed,
  • to identify potential sources of information, and
  • to provide training to create or access information needed to assess potential management solutions.




to present data and engage target audience in analyzing implications and developing solutions.


Citizens or stakeholders have the knowledge and skills needed to take action themselves, or to contribute constructive ideas and relevant information to a group effort.



Build knowledge and skills about potential management solutions among stakeholder groups.

Use communication or teaching strategies and environmental education principles.

See also Decision Tree 1.



Evaluate quality of stakeholder knowledge and skills about potential management solutions.

Evaluate effectiveness of community participation and involvement.

Revise and adapt communication or training activities in response to findings.

Use teaching techniques to build skills among all people responsible for stakeholder involvement (policy makers, groups, etc.).


Residents and stakeholders have opportunities for authentic participation in designing and carrying out management solutions.

Participation leads to results; and participants can identify how their efforts made a difference.



Work with policy makers (government agency/local decision-maker professionals) to build skills that enable them to facilitate community engagement.

Provide training about citizen participation or community involvement skills and opportunities



Use teaching techniques to build skills among all officials and residents who are responsible for collaborative development and implementation of the management solution.