Check out the different trips that can be applied for each year. The trips are for youth 6th grade to 12th grade. There are either in-state trips or out of state trips. The qualifications and how to enter are not all the same so make sure you read the description carefully.
Explore Wisconsin
Explore Wisconsin is for youth in grades 6-8. Youth travel to a geographical region of the state and laern about its cultural, economical, social and political aspects. Youth and at least one parent are involved in planning the trip. The group will research different opportunities, make decisions on where to go and plan their itinerary. Youth submit an application and secure a recommendation letter from their club organizational leader during the winter. Planning begins in early Spring and members are asked to be involved in the entire planning process
Wisconsin 4-H and Youth Conference – UW-Madison Campus
Waushara County sends delegates (grades 7-10) to this statewide four day event in June that involves approximately 400 Wisconsin 4-H members. Delegates stay in University dorms and attend seminars of their choice. Seminars focus on youth related issues and project areas. Members must complete the ME (member evaluation) form and participate in county interviews in Jjanuary. The 4-H Leader’s Association provides a 2/3 scholarship for delegate’s registration costs. Delegates split the costs of transportation and parking. Delegates are responsible for individual session fees, if applicable.
Click here for more information for the Conference
Leadership Washington Focus
Two youth currently in grades 6-8 may participate in this program. The program will take place at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center, just 1 mile from the Washington, D.C. border. This program for middle school youth is similar to the high school program, Citizenship Washington Focus. Participants are immersed in the culture and history of our nation through on-site workshops at D.C.’s most spectacular sights. The 4-H Leaders Association pays a 2/3 scholarship to delegates. Youth submit an ME form to the and participate in an interview in January.
Click here for more information
Older Youth Cultural Trip
Youth in grades 8-13 are eligible to participate in this opportunity to explore an area in the Midwest. Members share ideas of where they would like to travel to and what they would like to learn about. The delegates determine the final itinerary and enjoy traveling together as a group! An application and recommendation from the club organizational leaders is required.
National 4-H Congress-Atlanta, Georgia
Two delegates (grades 10-12; no older than 18 as of January 1 of year attending) attend workshops, participate ;in a community service project, listen to nationally recognized speakers and tour the Atlanta area. Members must complete the ME (member evaluation) form and participate in county interviews in January. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and the Leaders Association will provide partial scholarships.
American Spirit East
Youth currently in grades 8-10 may participate in this 10 day program to learn about America’s heritage and build awareness of the many steps taken to gain U.S. independence and freedom by visiting historical sites in Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The dates for the trip are June 5-14, June 10-18, July 3-12.
Citizenship Washington Focus, Washington, D.C.: Delegates select from designated weeks.
Two youth (grades 10-12) are selected to spend a week at the National 4-H Center with 4-H members from across the nation. Delegates will visit historic sites, federal government agencies and participate in mock citizen and governmental activities. Members must complete the ME (member evaluation) form and participate in county interviews in January. The 4-H Leader’s Association provides a 2/3 scholarship for delegate’s registration costs.
Space Camp
Delegates in grades 6-8 with a maximum age 15 at the time of program team up for hands-on mock space missions and other STEM activities in this NASA program while exchanging ideas with youth from across Wisconsin. The event is April 16-20.
National 4-H Conference-Washington DC
Six delegates represent Wisconsin at the national planning meeting. Youth share ideas about how 4-H can continue to develop caring and capable youth. Members who have received the Key Award and Robert Roggow Junior Leader Award are eligible to apply for this opportunity.