Record Book Pages


Waushara County Record Book Pages

record book

Each member of 4-H is asked to complete a record book each year.

Record Book Project Sheet Guidelines (Adobe Acrobat)

Record Book Project Sheet Guidelines  (Microsoft Word)


4-H Record Book Index/Guidelines(Adobe Acrobat)

4-H Record Book Index/Guidelines  (Microsoft Word)

Sample Goal Statements from Waushara County 4-H Members(Adobe Acrobat)

Sample Goal Statements from Waushara County 4-H Members  (Microsoft Word)

Sample 4-H Record Book Project Sheets (Adobe Acrobat)

Sample 4-H Record Book Project Sheets (Microsoft Word)

My 4-H Activity Program Plans(Adobe Acrobat)

My 4-H Activity Program Plans (Microsoft Word)

Waushara County 4-H Member Project Record Sheets (Adobe Acrobat)

Waushara County 4-H Member Project Record Sheets  (Microsoft Word)

Market Animal Financial Record (Adobe Acrobat)

Market Animal Financial Record(Microsoft Word)

Lifetime Horse Record(Adobe Acrobat)

Lifetime Horse Record(Microsoft Word)

Lifetime Dairy Record(Adobe Acrobat)

Lifetime Dairy Record  (Microsoft Word)

4-H Member Permanent Record(Adobe Acrobat)

4-H Member Permanent Record (Microsoft Word)

20__ Citizenship and Community Service Record(Adobe Acrobat)

20__ Citizenship and Community Service Record (Microsoft Word)

4-H Exploring Project Records(Adobe Acrobat)

4-H Exploring Project Records (Microsoft Word)

4-H Cloverbud Record Book(Adobe Acrobat)

4-H Cloverbud Record Book (Microsoft Word)

Electronic Record Books

 These are your pages for your record books that can be filled out electronically.  Unfortunately the system used to create these will not allow you to save them.  You must fill out  the form then print it to submit the paper copy as part of your record book.

4hclover150Waushara County 4-H members are eligible for record book awards based on the goals and accomplishments reported in their record books.