February 27, 2008@ JP Coughlin Center, Topic: A look at renewable energy options and considerations in your community
Discussion Outline 2-27-08 – (2 pages77 KB)
Outline of Towns Role in regulating wind farms -by Atty. John St. Peter (9 pages, 364 KB)
Excerpt from Wisconsin Towns Association magazine, Overview of wind regulations – by Rick Stadelman, (3 pages, 393 KB)
Draft Model Wind Ordinance for Wisconsin towns and counties, Feb 2007 (6 pages, 43 KB)
Model Wind Ordinance Reference guide, April 2007 -accompanies the draft model ordinance (18 pages, 42 KB)
Local example -Town of Menasha Code, Section 29.10, Wind Energy Systems, created 2/07 (35 pages, 282 KB)
Local example – Town of Menasha Fee Schedule for building wind/solar systems (2 pages, 70 KB)
Diagram illustrating different sizes of small and utility scale wind turbines, source: Renew Wisconsin (1 page, 97 KB)
Useful websites:
Midwest Renewable Energy Association (http://www.the-mrea.org/)
Focus on Energy – Renewable Energy overview (www.focusonenergy.com/Renewable/)
RENEW Wisconsin, Small WInd Toolbox (http://www.renewwisconsin.org/wind/windtoolbox.htm)
National Wind Watch (http://www.wind-watch.org/)
National Academy of Sciences, Environmental Impact of Wind Energy – from this webpage, you can either purchase a full report, or download a free Executive summary and Report summary, or read the entire report on line. Scroll down and look under “Free Resources” to access these reports.
If you would like a hard copy set of any of these resources please contact me directly at cneiswender@co.winnebago.wi.us