Firms Help Workers Provide End-Of-Life Care

Pitney Bowes is among several companies now reaching out to employees who are caring for a loved one with a terminal illness. It’s offering employee support — like financial and legal resources, counseling on hospice and palliative care, and flexible working arrangements.  Dr. Brent Pawlecki, the company’s medical director, shares with NPR that this is one […]


Employer Cost Calculator

The 2006 MetLife study on the cost of caregiving employees to their employers, The Caregiving Cost Study, estimated that business costs of caregiving employees may be as high as $33.6 billion nationally a year. This tool serves  allows individual employers to calculate their own costs.


National Study of Employers

This 2008 comprehensive study funded by the Alfred Sloan foundation and produced by the Families and Work Institute surveyed 1,100 US employers with 50 or more employees about their caregiver related practices, policies, programs and benefits. It is a ten year follow-up to an initial study conducted in 1998. Beginning on page 23 are responses […]


Family Care Navigator

This state-by-state resource provided by the Family Caregiver Alliance is intended to help you locate government, nonprofit, and private programs in your area. It includes services for family caregivers, as well as resources for older or disabled adults living at home or in a residential facility. It also includes information on government health and disability […]


Work-Family Sourcebook for Employers

Produced by faculty of Portland State University in 2001, this source book is a resource for employers of any size organization, seeking a framework for developing their own programs in support of dual-earning couples providing care for both children and aging parents. After reviewing the growing trend of dual care giving roles taken on by […]


Corporate Eldercare Programs

This LifeCare, inc. report is a summary of findings produced in 2008 from an 18-month study conducted by the National Alliance for Caregiving and Center for Productive Aging, Towson University.  Their focus was to see what workplace supports might effect employee health and on the job performance over time. The study followed family caregivers at […]


2011 New AARP Study on Caregiving

Family support is critical to remaining in one’s home and in the community, but often comes at substantial costs to caregivers themselves, to their families, and to society.  A new study by the AARP estimates that for the more than 40 million Americans caring for an elderly or disabled loved one, the value of their […]


Employers Expand Elder-Care Benefits

As more Americans care for elderly relatives, companies are increasingly helping employees by adding workplace benefits similar to those that have been offered for child dependents.  This article, written by By M.P. McQueen, of the Wall Street Journal and published online by the in 2006 highlights that family care assistance and wellness programs are […]


Employer Support Makes a Difference

According to a survey by Society for Human Resources Management, for CBS News, only about one in four companies offers any elder care benefits.  Corporations that once were pressured to provide better child care are now going to have to provide better elder care. Watch the CBS video from February 2007 to see how Freddie […]


ALZConnected for caregivers

A new social networking community for people living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, ALZConnected, has been launched by the Alzheimer’s Association.  After joining the online community at no cost, members can connect with others to discuss their challenges, pose and answer questions about dementia-related issues, create groups about specific topics and contribute to message boards.