Adding your UW Madison Google and removing your CES Google from Chrome

Here’s what to do if you keep getting a message that your account needs permission when you try to open a Google Doc that has been shared with you.

Google Dive Permission error
The Google Chrome Browser is still using your CES Google account as a profile. To fix this issue you will need to add your UW Madison Google Account and remove your CES Google account from the Google Chrome Profiles.

First, add your UW Madison Google account by going to the Profile circle in the right corner of the Chrome browser. In the menu, under Other people click Add.
Add Person in Google Chrome Profile menu

Enter a name and choose an icon for the new profile in Chrome

On the Add person screen enter a name for the account. A name like UW Madison Google Account will help you identify the right account to use. Choose the icon that best expresses your personality. Check the box next to ‘Create a desktop shortcut for this user’ then click the Add button.

You will be redirected to the Chrome ‘Make Chrome your own’ home page. Click on Already a Chrome user.

Make Chrome your own home page

When prompted to sign in to Chrome sign in with your UW Madison  ( then click Next.

Sign in to Chrome with your UW madison netid

You will be redirected to the UW-Madison Login screen. Enter your UW Madison NetID and Password.

UW Madison NetID Login Screen

Confirm the referenced account is yours and click the Continue button.

Verify your account screen

You should see your UW Madison Google Account as the Profile in the right corner of the Chrome browser.

Google Chrome Profile menu

To remove your “old” CES Google Account from Chrome click on the gear next to Other people.

Gear icon next to Other people in Chrome profile menu

Find the profile associated with your CES Google Account and click Remove this person.

Remove your CES account

The next time you open Chrome, it should default to your UW Madison Google Account.

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