Webgrader, Skyward, eduWare…what do they have in common? (What are they?)

by Bill Ward on Flickr

by Bill Ward on Flickr

Webgrader, Skyward, and eduWare are all school portal systems. Becoming involved with your child’s school life is literally a click away.

Be an eParent®! Take some time to check in on your teen’s progress on the school’s online portal. Make note of other events or opportunities posted on the school website where you can get involved. Try setting up a wiki  with a group of parents to plan a school event.

Parent involvement matters to middle and high school success. For instance, research shows that teens are more socially competent and have better success in school when parents monitor their academic and social activities. And, when parents monitor school behavior, teens have fewer behavior problems. By checking your teen’s progress in the school’s online portal, staying up-to-date on school activities listed on the school website, and connecting with other parents to plan school events, you are actively supporting your teen’s success in school and with peers.

You can read more about the importance of parent involvement for academic success.

To learn more contact UW-Extension Family Living Programs or like Family Living on Facebook.

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