Are you interested in trying out a new idea on your farm? Have you thought about applying for a grant but weren’t sure where to start? On Wednesday, October 6 and Thursday, October 7 UW-Madison Extension will host a 2-part webinar to introduce farmers and agricultural professionals to grant opportunities in agriculture.
On October 6, Margaret Krome from the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute will cover basic principles of grant-writing, including how to design a sound project, when applying for a grant does or does not make sense, and how to find potential funding sources.
On October 7, a panel of grant program staff from USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture’s Buy Local Buy Wisconsin, Wisconsin Producer-led Watersheds, and Specialty Crop Block Grant programs, and a farmer who has successfully applied for grants will cover some of the ins and outs of applying for those and other grants.
Both webinars will start at noon. Following the presentations, participants are welcome to ask extensive questions of the presenters. Participants will also have the opportunity to review a sample grant application. Potential grant applicants are encouraged to attend both sessions.
Pre-registration is required at:–hqzgsGtRV1-F1u7VfnPP0ZiMzRJRb