
Watch for Waterhemp – Report its Presence

Driving through Fond du Lac and Dodge Counties, it is obvious that many soybean fields have weed escapes, many of which are in the pigweed family (Photo 1). Wisconsin has several upright pigweeds that are common problems. These are redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed, and spiny pigweed. Unfortunately, it is also becoming home to two additional […]


Resource for Planting Wheat

Thinking of planting wheat this fall?  If you have not already selected your varieties this just release resource may help with that decision. The University of Wisconsin Extension has released its 2017 WI Winter Wheat Performance Trials. This data can be used to select high performing wheat varieties for your area because the data is […]


Concern Over Heavy Rainfall and Nitrogen Management

Concern has arisen about the recent heavy rainfall and nitrogen management.  Over the last five days, Dr. Carrie Laboski has had numerous producers contact her about about N management after heavy rain. Please read her response and solutions her blog at: https://npketc.soils.wisc.edu/2017/06/26/its-rained-again-what-should-i-do-about-nitrogen/. You can also look for it to appear in the Wisconsin Crop Manager […]

barley blight

Wisconsin Winter Wheat Disease Update

From the Desk of Dr. Loretta – Wheat fields I have seen in Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties are at anthesis.  If you are interested in wheat diseases, please be sure to scout and monitor for the start of anthesis. As of June 2nd, Dr. Damon Smith has provided a Fusarium Head Blight risk […]

picture of winter wheat

Winter Wheat Disease Concerns

The Wisconsin Field Crops Pathology crew spent some time this past week scouting wheat and rating wheat variety trial plots, between planting soybeans and dodging rain storms. Despite the challenging week, the crew was able to get around to several sites and take a look at winter wheat. Wheat ranges from fully emerged flag leaf […]

picture of black cutworm

Black Cutworm Update

The potential for substantial Black Cutworm (BCW) flight this growing season has been in the news.  Thankfully, we can rely on our agricultural partner, DATCP!  Many states do not have the luxury of a cadre of dedicated field personnel that regularly monitor and report on pests. Although it is hard to know if these pheromone […]

picture of farm field

Wisconsin Crop Progress & Condition

The cold, wet weather has limited fieldwork. There were only 2.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending April 30, 2017, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. To view complete report, go to  https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Wisconsin/Publications/Crop_Progress_&_Condition/2017/WI_05_07_17.pdf . You can view other pertinent information on the United States Department of Agriculture website at https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Wisconsin/.

Spraying herbicides in field

Isoxaflutole Use Limited to 12 Wisconsin Counties

As pesticide dealers and applicators and crop farmers may know, rules about using herbicides containing isoxaflutole have been changing in the past couple of years. Let’s try to clarify where you stand with regard to these products. First, a little background. When the Environmental Protection Agency registered these products in 1998, there were concerns about […]