Fond du Lac County Ag Facts


Fond du Lac County (maps) is located in East-central Wisconsin at the base of Lake Winnebago. It is a leading agricultural county in Wisconsin and ranks as the nation’s 26th largest dairy county (2007 Ag Census). Crops grown in the area are primarily used to feed the county’s 55,000 dairy cows. In 2012, Fond du Lac County had 279 dairy herds with an annual average production of 23,600 pounds per cow. Cash receipts from farm marketings total over 200 million dollars. Primary crops include corn for grain (70,000 acres), corn for silage (47,000 acres), alfalfa (60,000 acres), soybeans (45,000 acres), winter wheat (15,000 acres), commercial sweet corn (8000 acres), and green peas (5500 acres).

The agricultural infrastructure in Fond du Lac County is solid. There are competitive markets for every major livestock and crop commodity. Additionally, there are numerous dealers for seeds, feeds, equipment, fertilizers, and most agricultural services (nutritionists, A.I. technicians, crop consultants, farm credit officers, etc.). The local newspapers and radio stations place a priority on agricultural news.

Important Fond du Lac  County Agricultural Links

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