Horse Project

Kewaunee County 4-H Horse & Pony and Horseless Horse Project

Kewaunee County Horse Project Handbook, Meeting Requirements, Bylaws, and Constitution

Kewaunee County Horse and Horseless Horse and Pony Project Handbook:

2023 Kewaunee County Horse Project Guidebook

2023 Kewaunee County Horse Project Meeting Dates

State 4-H Horse Project Links

WI State 4-H Handbook: This link has all of the information related to state 4-H Horse Shows and events, rules, Board of Director contact information, and much more. (Updated January 19, 2024)

4-H State Horse Project Website:

WI 4-H Youth Development:

Horse Project Meeting Dates


Youth President:    Charley Anderson

Youth Vice-President:    Anna Pravachek

Youth Secretary:    Sydney Pribek

Youth Treasurer:    Macey Ledvina

Youth Historian:     Halley Ledvina

Youth Sergeant at Arms: Carly Cochart

Northeast District Youth:    Charley Anderson, Macey Ledvina

Adult Co-Chairs:    Nancy LaCrosse:  920-255-3421,    Liz Simonar: 920-536-0072,  Morgan Schleis: 920-323-5752



Kewaunee County 4-H Horse Project Scholarship
The Kewaunee County 4-H Horse Project invites members in grades 12 or 13 to apply for the 2015 Horse Project Scholarship. This scholarship is open to Kewaunee County 4-H Horse or Horseless Horse project members that have been involved in the project for at least four consecutive years and are in grades 12 or 13. Please see below for other scholarship criteria, the scholarship application, and the scholarship letter.   Alternatively, paper versions of the application are available from the Kewaunee County UW-Extension Office.  If you would like more information, contact Nancy at (920)255-3421.


Meeting Minutes

March 4H Kewaunee County Horse Project Meeting Minutes


Related Links of Interest

American Horse Council

AYHC- American Youth Horse Council

University of Illinois Extension Livestock E-Quiz – this is a good site to practice for quiz bowl



Extension Kewaunee County

Erin Dahle
4-H Program Educator

Vacant – Program Assistant
(920) 388-7141