New Version of UW Nutrient and Pest Management Fast Facts Available
Hot off the presses… the Nutrient Management “Fast Facts” magazine combines the Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management teams most popular nutrient management resources and some new ones, too, into a handy 28 page format. It is available in print and online! Click here to view or download your copy https://ipcm.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2023/08/NPM-Fast-Facts-Magazine.pdf
As crop planning for 2024 nears you can view even more printable resources under the publications tab of our website https://ipcm.wisc.edu/downloads/nutrient-managment/
Farmers, CCA’s, agronomists working in nutrient management in Wisconsin are you looking to ramp up your skills? Access top notch resources in this self-paced program for busy professionals and its FREE. Watch 1 module or watch them all. To start just click https://uwnmfe.tiiny.site/

The Value of Your Own Manure Test Data
Capture some tips on taking a manure sample on your farm before or during your fall manure applications in this short Bumper Crop YouTube Video from UW Nutrient and Pest Management Team. Click the link to start the short YouTube video.
You might also like How to take a proper manure sample- https://youtu.be/ss-CJzsXZd0?list=PLMF9p1QYShgy4BMHohN28diMJKUwteyao

Why Were Cover Crop Were a Challenge in 2023?
In the recent dry years in, cover crops have caused a lot of crop stress and yield loss in cash crops. Why has this happened? How can we avoid this in the future? Extension experts from University of Minnesota provide some insight into the cover crop issues common in the Midwest this growing season. Read the full article here: https://blog-crop-news.extension.umn.edu/2023/09/why-did-cover-crops-cause-issues-in.html

Upcoming Crops & Soils Events
November 27, 28, 29, 30 – The annual UW Badger Crops & Soils Update meetings will be offered in 4 one-day in-person sessions along with 1 virtual session this year. Five CEUs are approved for the following areas: 2.0 crop management, 1.0 pest management, 1.0 soil & water and 1.0 nutrient management. The meetings will present the latest information on agronomic, pest, and nutrient management research coming out of the University of Wisconsin with a lens to on-farm application.
The in-person registration fee of $150 includes lunch. The virtual registration fee is $125. Registration deadline is November 17th for in-person sessions and November 27th for the virtual session.
More info and Registration details follow this link https://cropsandsoils.extension.wisc.edu/badger-crops-and-soils-update-meeting/#:~:text=November%2027%2D30%2C%202023

Available Now-Early Bird Registration for WWASH Conference December 7-8 Don’t miss the early bird registration for this upcoming conference! The WWASH conference is building upon the legacies of two pivotal events, the Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference, and the Discovery Farms Conference that needed a bigger venue, so they are heading to the Dells. Joining these conferences allows us to present a conference with more keynotes and a wider range of featured topics in breakout sessions to an integrated audience. Attendees will experience thought-provoking discussions and walk away with a better understanding of the intersections of agronomy, water quality and soil health. Details and registration at https://cropsandsoils.extension.wisc.edu/wwash/#about
Yellowing Leaves on Soybeans
Yellowing leaves on soybeans? That has to be a potassium deficiency, right? Maybe not.
While yellowing in the middle or upper canopy is usually a sign of potassium deficiency, it could mean something worse is lurking below the soil surface. Often, a superficial glance isn’t enough to get to the root of the problem. Going through a checklist to eliminate potential causes provides the best chance at proper diagnosis and treatment.
Want to improve soil health? Start with minimizing erosion.
Soil health is something we hear a lot about these days. Cover crops, soil health tests, diversity in crop rotations, and reduced compaction are all ways to improve soil health. While it is true, cover crops and diverse rotations can improve soil health and tests to measure progress are good, there is some low hanging fruit that farmers may be missing when it comes to improving soil health.
Chris Clark, CCA
Northeast Regional Outreach Specialist
Nutrient and Pest Management Program
University of Wisconsin