What are the Community Gardens?
Community gardens are available for residents in Kewaunee County and are located in Algoma, Kewaunee, and Luxemburg.
- Algoma: Located at 1528 Sunset Ave, Algoma, behind Kewaunee County Food Pantry.
- Kewaunee: Located at the Kewaunee School District Agriculture grounds off 3rd Street.
- Luxemburg: Located at 700 Heritage Road, Luxemburg, behind St. John’s Church.
Each gardener can rent a plot for $25 per growing year and will receive a 20′ X 20′ plot. Each gardener has access to on-site water and a port-a-potty throughout the growing season.
- Corn will be planted and available for plot renters.
- Special vine crop area.
Algoma Community Garden
For Algoma Community Garden, contact Robert Graham 862-684-2620.

Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/AlgomaCommunityGarden/
Kewaunee Community Garden

Kewaunee Community Garden Interest for 2023
Kewaunee Community Garden Guidelines & Agreement Form 2023
For Luxemburg Community Garden, contact Lance Kirchman at 920-845-5654.

Master Gardeners
The Wisconsin Extension Master Gardener Program supports a network of individuals dedicated to horticulture education, service, and lifelong learning. Through university research-based horticulture training, they are equipped to address needs and opportunities in their community and throughout the state.
Master Gardeners are motivated individuals who use gardening and horticulture education to make a difference in their communities.
Jardín de comunidad
- Usted puede alquilar un pedazo de tierra aproximadament de 20 pies por 20 pies.
- Un pago pequeño cubrirá el agua, cultivando anualmente y un baño portable.
- El jardín esta ubicado al sur de Kewaunee en 3rd St.
Cuadros del jardín de la comunidad
If you have any questions regarding Horticulture in Kewaunee County, please contact:
Aerica Bjurstrom
Extension Kewaunee County
625 Third Street
Luxemburg, WI 54217
Phone: 920-388-7138
Fax: 920-388-7159
Office Hours: M-F, 8 am to 4:30 pm
Email: aerica.bjurstrom@wisc.edu
Linda Healey – Program Assistant
Phone: 920-388-7141