Small Farm Fact Sheets

A series of fact sheets in English and en español for first time land owners, retirees, or anyone who wants to start a small-scale livestock operation.


Guide to Raising Healthy Beef (pdf)
Guide to Raising Healthy Chickens (pdf)
Guide to Raising Healthy Pigs (pdf)
Guide to Raising Healthy Sheep (pdf)
Guide to Raising Healthy Goats (pdf)

Safety and Health for Farm Operators(pdf)

En español

Guía para criar cerdos sanos (pdf)
Guía para criar ovejas sansas (pdf)
Guía para criar pollos sanos (pdf)
Guía para criar ganado de carne saludable (pdf)

Seguridad y salud para los operarios de granjas (pdf)


If you have any questions regarding Agriculture in Kewaunee County, please contact:

Aerica Bjurstrom
Extension Kewaunee County
625 Third Street
Luxemburg, WI 54217
Phone: 920-388-7138
Fax: 920-388-7159
Office Hours: M-F, 8 am to 4:30 pm

Erin Dahle – Program Assistant
Phone: 920-388-7141