(Objective 1: Understand tenant responsibilities and those of landlords for repairs and upkeep.)
- Instructor Materials: Who is Responsible? Answer Key (Options 1 & 2)
- Handout 2: Who is Responsible? (Option 1)
- Instructor Materials: Who is Responsible Game Board Participant (Option 2)
- Instructor Materials: Game Cards for Who is Responsible Game Instructor/Participant (Option 2)
Option 1
Provide Handout 2: Who Is Responsible? Ask participants to vote on whether the landlord or the tenant is responsible for each item listed. In most cases, there will be some disagreement on each item. Use Instructor Materials: Who is Responsible Answer Key for correct answers.
Refer to the Overall Handout for the Keys to Determining Responsibility. Review and explain that in the rest of the module each of these keys will be discussed.
Option 2
In advance, cut apart the Game Cards for Who is Responsible Game and give one card to each participant or pair of participants depending on the size of the class. The items on the cards are the same as those on Handout 2: Who is Responsible? For a large group you could enlarge the Who’s Responsible Game Board or recreate the chart on a flip chart.
Instruct each participant to read their card to the group. The group then decides where to place the card on the chart, indicating who is responsible for the repair and why by referring to the section on the Overall Handout about the Keys to Determining Responsibility. This activity may also be done in smaller participant groups with multiple sets of cards and game boards. After the small group completes the activity, they report out to the group for large group discussion. Use Instructor Materials: Who is Responsible? Answer Key for correct answers.