BEP Decision Tree 1c – People use or adopt accessible practice

I need to develop an education program or outreach strategy:

Tree 1 – To tackle a specific water use or management problem.

Tree 1c: Solving this problem requires people to use a familiar practice or technology, or to adopt a new, and accessible, practice or technology.



Has the educator assessed audience interests (or wants or needs) related to the practice or technology that you want people to adopt?




The educator has not assessed audience interests (or wants or needs).

Use audience assessment (social science techniques) or social marketing activities to determine audience interests, wants, and needs.



The educator has assessed audience interests (or wants or needs) related to the practice or technology that you want people to adopt.

Use communication or teaching strategies to increase awareness, to provide information, and to build knowledge and skills to assure that people know how to use the practice or technology.

Follow more specific advice for targeted situations on the linked page.

♦ Is the target audience aware that the practice or technology meets one or more of the needs they identified?

♦ Does the target audience know how to access the technology?

♦ Can the target audience apply the technology?