Target Audience Research: Referenced Audiences

A target audience is a segment of the population that has a specific opportunity to take action on the problem you have identified; or is specifically affected by the problem.

Summaries of research for the 15 audiences are offered here, as an example of research-based information available to help educators and natural resource professional use the most effective methods in working with their audiences. Additional research findings are available in Search Findings. And as educators and natural resource professionals have become more aware of this body of research, new studies have been initiated and reported in the literature.

Click on an audience below to find:

  1. A description of the target audience
  2. Study-specific Best Education Practices for that target audience, based on 1988-2004 research (or download the Study-specific findings for 15 audiences, PDF)
  3. Links to Essential BEPs for that specific audience
  4. Supporting references from BEP research

To develop findings for Outreach that Makes a Difference! Target Audiences for Water Education — A Research Meta-Analysis and Meta-Analysis Appendix D, we reviewed information, communication, outreach, and education research for each of the 15 audiences listed below in Table 1. Studies referenced in the report are listed in the report’s Target Audience Research Bibliography.

Content available via the audience links below summarizes findings available for the 2004 meta-analysis report, which referenced research published from 1988 to 2004. You can also review these findings, as well as additional findings about a particular audience published after the meta-analysis report completion, by searching the Target Audience Database. There, you can browse research findings by audience, theme, or best education practices.

Table 1 . Specialized Audiences Targeted by BEP Project Literature Search

Adults Landowners
Aquaculture Businesses Local Decision-Makers
Business and Industry Water Users Loggers
Ethnic Groups Recreational Water Users
Farmers Students, Higher Education
Government Agency and University Extension Professionals Students, K-12
Households Teachers