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Logic Model (PDF)
Education programs require careful planning to ensure that well-trained staff, facilities, and support materials are available to accomplish program goals and objectives. (NAAEE, 2004)
Your Logic Model (PDF, 1 pp., 10KB) has an Input section, “What we invest”. This is where you note:
- Resources needed to develop and implement the program
- Groups, agencies or other sources (such as the library or internet) that already address your education topic and could help
- Grants, fees or other funding
- Activities designed to build understanding about needs and resources to address needs (advisory group meetings, surveys, etc.)
Resources might include:
- Quality instructional staff
- Safe and appropriate facilities
- Support materials
- Community support
- Adequate funding
NAAEE. 2004. Nonformal Environmental Education Programs: Guidelines for Excellence, provides general guidelines for designing, implementing and evaluating an education program.