Farm Service Agency Flooding Resources

The green and blue USDA Farm Service Agency or FSA logo.The website is a great resource for producers who have internet access.  Producers can work through a few questions about their losses and be informed of the programs they may qualify for.  In addition, the website tells them what they need to bring to their local FSA office and what forms they will have to fill out when at the office.

The best advice is call the local FSA office and the staff can help you determine the next steps. (  All producers are encouraged to contact the local FSA offices to report any damage (structural, crop, land, animal)- this helps us to provide an accurate assessment and get the ball moving quickly for a disaster declaration.

Producers are also reminded of resources available from  the DATCP Farm Center and 211 Wisconsin. It seems that each county is unique, and each FSA office has been working with their County Emergency Management Departments as well.

Here are links to a variety of Fact Sheets about FSA programs.

Disaster Declaration Process Process of obtaining a disaster declaration
*Overview* Disaster Programs at a Glance

General overview of disaster programs available


Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP) Covers livestock death; feed and grazing losses, honeybee colony losses, and farm-raised fish feed and death losses
Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Covered Livestock death due to weather related events
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) Covers crops not insured by traditional crop insurance (producer had to have policy before disaster)
Tree Assistance Program (TAP) For eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers- covers losses to trees, bushes, and vines lost by natural disaster
Emergency Loan Program (EL) Not yet available, but if Disaster Declaration is made, Emergency loans will be available.  In the meantime, contact our farm loan teams with any questions.
Emergency Forest Restoration Program(EFRP) For nonindustrial private forest land to carry out emergency measures to restore land damaged by natural disaster (county-by-county decision)
Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) Can be used to rehabilitate farmland damaged by natural disasters (county-by-county decision)