Hey, I had to turn a dial AND was connected to a cord on both ends!

You heard it when you were young. “I had to walk uphill both ways!” Now your kids are hearing it from you. Although you may feel as though you are speaking a foreign language when you and your teen talk about technology, thoughtfully incorporate new technologies into your family life and talk about how it […]


Do you always lose Fruit Ninja or Words with Friends to your teen?

Teens were born into a digital world so they have the upper hand in being comfortable using technology but they don’t always know how to control their frustration or gloating when they lose or win a game. Teach coping skills and emotional control as you play with your teen. Be an eParent®! Model being a “good loser” […]


Does a phone call with you remind your teen of Charlie Brown’s teacher?

  Charlie Brown’s teacher was famous for her “whaaa-whaaa-whaaa” method of communication, which teens masterfully tune out. Adding a visual component to family communications helps teens be more present in phone conversations while observing healthy relationship and communication skills. Be an eParent®! Model healthy relationship skills by establishing a regular Google Hangout or Skype night with […]


Webgrader, Skyward, eduWare…what do they have in common? (What are they?)

Webgrader, Skyward, and eduWare are all school portal systems. Becoming involved with your child’s school life is literally a click away. Be an eParent®! Take some time to check in on your teen’s progress on the school’s online portal. Make note of other events or opportunities posted on the school website where you can get involved. […]