Dairy Situation and Outlook, May 20, 2020
By Bob Cropp, Professor Emeritus
University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Milk price forecasts can change rather dramatically from one month to another. This is the situation between the April price forecast and the May forecast. In April it looked like the May Class III price would be about $11.00. The particularly good news is that it now looks like the May Class III price will be more than $2.00 higher near $12.35.
The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) requires farmers to convert their 2019 crop production and unpriced crop inventories on hand on January 15, 2020 to dry grain equivalents. Additional UW tools and resources are available.
Farmers can follow these steps to complete the CFAP Payment Application:
Determine which crops grown in 2019 are eligible for payments.
Calculate 2019 production and eligible inventories on January 15, 2020.
Convert each eligible grain/forage crop to it’s