Private & Commercial Pesticide Applicators: 2025 Recertification News
Private and commercial pesticide applicators with expired certifications will need to participate to renew their certifications. Manuals still need to be purchased online; no manuals available at county offices.
Please visit for more information.
Private Applicator: A person who applies restricted-use (pesticide label identifies) pesticide to produce an agricultural commodity AND pesticides are applied on property that they own or rent, or their employer owns or rents. If an applicator does not meet
BOTH parts of the definition, they are considered commercial applicators. Examples of commercial applicators: Lawn care company or County Highway employee.
- Certification Validity: Certification is valid for 5 years.
- Certification Status Check: Applicators can check certification status here:
- Notifying expiring license holders: The PAT Program notifies farmers with expiring certifications, but it’s the farmer’s responsibility to track their status.

Training Materials:
- Everyone that would like to become Private Pesticide Applicator certified must purchase a manual.
- Each person must have their own manual, as it includes a unique PAT Number on the certificate (needed when handing in the test). Those retaking within a year do not need the certificate.
- Manuals cost $43. Manual must be purchased online in advance.
- Applicators can only purchase manuals form the PAT Program website:
Mail In forms can be accessed here or at your local Extension office. - Manuals are delivered within 5-10 days at no charge. There is an additional shipping charge for rush delivery.
Learning the Material
- Self-study:
- Self-study students purchase the manual, study independently, and test at a designated County Extension Office or Pearson VUE.
- Self-paced Online Training (Free for 2025):
- Available at PAT website: UW PAT Store or register through this direct link.
- Training must be completed within 2 weeks; otherwise, participants must re-register.
- Online training takes approx. 3.5 hours. Stopping/starting throughout the training is allowed
- Extension-hosted Zoom Training (organized and hosted by Regional Crops Educators):
- In-person Training & Test:
- Two in-person trainings will be held in 2025. Registration costs $10 and is available through the UW PAT Program.
- Details will be posted on the Extension Calendar and UW PAT Program website.
- Zoom Training: 9:00-12:30pm.
- Test Administered: 1:00-3:00pm.
- Lunch on your own.
- Manual must be purchased online in advance.
Please visit for more information.
Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) Books
You can order manuals online at the PAT Store Manuals must be purchased online and can no longer be purchased at your local Extension offices.