A series of forage management fact sheets from University of Wisconsin-Extension Team Forage
Vol. 16 – 2014
1. Management and Production Potential for Eastern Gamagrass in Wisconsin
2. Forage Quality and Feeding Management for Eastern Gamagrass in Wisconsin
3. Influence of Ensiling on the Digestibility of Whole-Plant Corn Silage
4. Update on Corn Shredlage for Dairy Cows
Vol. 15 – 2013
1. Forging a Partnership with a Custom Operator
2. Growing Double Crop Forage after Small Grains
3. Grazing Management for Fall-Grown Oat Forages
4. Making Sure Your Kernel Processor is Doing Its Job
5. Propionic Acid Preservatives for Hay
6. Is Sulfur Needed for Alfalfa in Wisconsin?
7. Effects of Rain Damage on Wilting Forages
Vol. 14 – 2012
1. Getting a Good Forage Stand
2. Corn Shredlage for Dairy Cows
3. Fall-Grown Oat Forages: Cultivars, Planting Dates, and Expected Yields
4. Fall-Grown Oat Forages: Unique Quality Characteristics
Vol. 13 – 2011
1. Heat Damaged Forage: Effects on Forage Energy Content
2. Incorporating Grass into Silages for Dairy Cows
3. Grass Forages and Magnesium Status of Dairy Cattle
Vol. 12 – 2010
1. Effect of Wheel Traffic on Alfalfa Yield
2. Use of Straw in Dairy Cattle Diets
3. Forage Sampling Frequency as Influenced by Dairy Herd Size
4. Fall Forage Rye for Dairy Heifers and Dry Cows
5. Field Drying Forage for Hay and Haylage – Updated Apr, 2013
6. Relative Forage Quality
Vol. 11 – 2009
1. Sweet Corn Waste: Forage Quality and Fermentation Characteristics
Vol. 10 – 2008
1. Packing Bunker and Pile Silos to Minimize Porosity
2. FAQ’s about Liming in Wisconsin
3. Minimizing Wheel Traffic Damage to Alfalfa
4. How to Price Standing Forage
5. Determining the Optimum Seeding Rate for Alfalfa
6. Italian Ryegrass as a Companion Crop for Alfalfa Seeding
7. Aphanomyces Races in Alfalfa
8. Heat Damaged Forages: Effects on Forage Quality
Vol. 9 – 2007
1. Big Bale Storage Losses; how different options stack up
2. Managing Forage in Silo Bags
Vol. 8 – 2006
1. Nutrient Composition of Straw Used in Dairy Cattle Diets
2. Applying Manure to Alfalfa
3. Degree of Starch Access (DSA): Starch Digestion in Forages and Grains Fed to Dairy Cattle
4. Microbial Inoculants for Silage
Español version: Inoculantes Microbiales para ensilaje
5. Sampling and Analytical Variation Associated with Evaluating Phosphorus in Forages and Total Mixed Rations
Vol. 7 – 2005
1. Ash Content of Forages
2. Trends in Feed and Manure Phosphorus
Vol. 6 – 2004
1. Sampling and Evaluating Total Mixed Rations
2. A Quick Guide to Understanding Forage Test Results – Updated Dec, 2006
3. Using NDF Digestibility in Ration Formulation – Updated Apr, 2005
Español version: Uso de la digestibilidad del FDN en la Formulación de Raciones
4. Making Quality Silage Bales
5. Dry Round Hay Bale Storage Costs
Vol. 5- 2003
1. Making a Feed Inventory – Updated Nov, 2012
2. Feeding Strategies When Alfalfa Supplies are Short
3. Paying for Unexpected Feed Expenses – Updated Mar, 2006
4. Seeding Alfalfa Fields Back Into Alfalfa
5. Sorghums, Sudangrasses, and Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids
6. Forage Options Following Alfalfa Winterkill
7. Pea and Small Grain Mixtures
8. Evaluating and Managing Alfalfa Stands for Winter Injury
9. Seeding into an Existing Alfalfa Stand
10. Cereal Forages for Spring Planting
11. Bunker Silo Facers – worth the investment?
Español version: Removedores para los Silo Bunker- vale la pena la inversión?
12. Planting Corn for Silage After a First-Cut Alfalfa Harvest – Updated June, 2014
13. Using Soybean as Forage
14. Factors to Consider When Marketing Hay
15. The Effect of Maturity on NDF Digestibility
Español version: El Efecto de la Madurez en la Digestibilidad del FDN (Fibra Detergente Neutro)
16. In vitro NDF Digestibility of Forages: The 30 vs 48 hr debate
Español version: Digestibilidad in vitro del FDN (fibra detergente neutro): El debate de 30 vs 48 horas
17. NDF Digestibility: Reference Values for Forages, Byproducts and Total Mixed Rations – Updated Oct, 2006
Vol. 4 – 2002
1. Agronomic Considerations for Molds and Mycotoxins in Corn Silage
2. Soil Fertility Influences on Cation Levels in Forages
3. Should Calcium be Applied to Wisconsin Soils?
4. Potassium in Forages
6. Pasture Fertilization
7. Feedout Losses from Forage Storage Systems – Updated May, 2008
Vol. 3 – 2001
1. Red Clover Harvest Management
2. Adding Anhydrous Ammonia to Corn Silage
3. Estimating the Weight of Forage in a Forage Wagon
5. Establishing Alfalfa During Late Summer
6. Managing Forage in Bunker Silos – Updated Jan, 2007
8. Using Milk2000 to Estimate Corn Hybrid Silage Performance
9. Silage Quality After Applying Liquid Dairy Manure to Alfalfa Stands
10. Understanding NDF Digestibility of Forages
11. Red Clover Forages for Lactating Dairy Cows
12. Are Hybrids the New Yield Force in Alfalfa?
13. Interpretation and Use of Silage Fermentation Analysis Reports
14. Lactobacillus buchneri for Silage Aerobic Stability
Vol. 2 – 2000
1. Adding Organic Acids to High Moisture Corn
4. Rain Damage to Forage During Hay and Silage Making
5. Preserving Baled Hay With Organic Acids
6. On-Farm Moisture Testing of Corn Silage – Updated May, 2012
7. What is the “Cost” of Seeding Low-Cost Alfalfa Seed?
8. Storing Forage in Piles
Vol. 1 – 1999
1. The Long and the Short of Alfalfa Cutting Height – Updated Mar, 2007
2. Adding Urea to Corn Silage
3. Inoculating High Moisture Corn – Updated Dec, 2011
4. Adding Enzymes to Silage
5. Improving Forage and TMR Bunk Life
6. Bunker Silo Cover Alternatives – Updated Oct, 2006
7. Transferring Silage between Silos
8. Anhydrous Ammonia for Legume-Grass Silage