Wisconsin Towns Association Scholarship
All applicants must graduate from a Wisconsin public or private high school in 2025 and plan to attend a Wisconsin public or private college or university in 2025. Essays will be judged independently on originality and subject matter in relation to the topic. The essays must also contain correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Judging will be completed by August 8, 2025. Recipients will be announced by August 22, 2025. Proof of enrollment in a Wisconsin public or private college is required to receive a scholarship. View complete details here.
Submit your essay along with this background information sheet to sandy.wanta@wisctowns.com or
W7686 Co. Rd. MMM, Shawano, WI 54166. Emailed or postmarked by May 23, 2025.
2025 Scholarship Topic:
“What are 3 top priorities your local town government officials should pursue to improve the quality of life in your community?”
To apply: https://www.wisctowns.com/resources/scholarship
Kewaunee County Holstein Breeders Scholarship
Applicant must be currently enrolled or high school senior intending to enroll as a full-time student in a
Bachelor’s Program at any college or university, or a two-year Associate Degree Program at any technical
college or Short Course. The applicant must plan to pursue further education within the next school year.
Holstein Breeders Scholarship Application 2025 Click to apply
Supporting the Future of Agriculture Through Education
The Thomas H. Lutsey-Waseda Farms Scholarship is a four-year $10,000 scholarship for students pursuing an agriculture career that will benefit our rural Wisconsin communities. Since its inception in 1986, the scholarship has awarded over $800,000 in gifts to more than 115 college students committed to advancing the field of agriculture in northeast Wisconsin.
Thomas H. Lutsey was a strong believer in hard work and diligence being essential to success. He wanted to help students who had a passion for agriculture and a dedication to furthering their education to advance their local community. He created the scholarship foundation to encourage students to work hard, advance their education, and realize their goals.
The Thomas H. Lutsey-Waseda Farms Scholarship provides financial assistance to graduating seniors pursuing degrees that enhance rural communities. The application is open between January 1-April 1. Click the link below for more information.
Visit https://lutsey.org/apply for more information.
Kewaunee County Farm Technology Days Scholarship
Kewaunee County Farm Technology Days Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for students. This scholarship is open to any student beyond the first half of post-secondary education, 3rd or 4th year of college, the second year of a two-year program, or second half of a program. The applicant must be enrolled in an accredited school. One student alumni from districts including Algoma, Kewaunee, Luxemburg-Casco, Denmark, Southern Door, and Mishicot in either four or two-year colleges will be awarded $1,000. Kewaunee County FTD is looking to award these scholarships to approximately 70 students over 10 years, at minimum. Since the end of the 2017 show, Kewaunee County Farm Technology days has awarded $12,000 in scholarships to local students.
The application and guidelines can be found at https://kewaunee.uwex.edu/kewaunee-county-farm…/. Applications will be accepted until April 15.
For any questions on the application process, please email 2017ftdgivesback@gmail.com.
GreenStone Farm Credit Services Scholarship
Application Deadline: February 28, 2025
Dave Armstrong Scholarship program: Current College Students
Former President and CEO, Dave Armstrong, served GreenStone and the agricultural community for 41 years before retiring in 2022. Like GreenStone, Dave values youth development and continued education, supporting the future success of agriculture. In honor of Dave, GreenStone Farm Credit Services will award up to $20,000 in scholarships to current college freshmen, sophomore, or junior students in the amount of $5,000 each.
GreenStone Scholarship program: Incoming College Freshmen
Incoming college freshmen pursuing a degree in an agriculture-related field are eligible for GreenStone’s Scholarship Program. Students attending a four-year college program can earn a $2,000 scholarship, while $1,000 awards will go to selected students attending a two-year college program. The deadline for the 2025 Scholarship program is March 1, 2025. A completed application and all supporting documents must be received no later than the deadline in order for students to be eligible. Click below to view the application form and requirement details.
GreenStone Farm Credit Services Scholarship
Kewaunee County HCE Scholarships
2025 Kewaunee County HCE Scholarship
A scholarship is available to any Kewaunee County applicant. (Special consideration may go to a child/grandchild of an HCE member). Applicant must be currently enrolled, or high school senior intending to enroll, as a full-time student in a Bachelor’s Program at any college or university, or a two-year Associate Degree Program at any technical college. The applicant must plan to pursue further education within the next school year. The scholarship is open to all careers.
Applications should be completed and postmarked on or before April 1, 2025, and sent to Scholarship Committee, Jan Zenner, 1221 Kilbourn Street, Kewaunee, WI 54216. Applications postmarked after this date will be disqualified.
Kewaunee County Garden Club
The Kewaunee County Garden Club is offering scholarships to qualified student applicants pursuing a degree in the field of horticulture/or related to horticulture. Full-time students can qualify for up to $1,000.00 per school year and part-time students can qualify for up to $500.00 per school year.
Dairy Calf and Heifer Association
Each year the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) offers a $1,000 scholarship. Students currently enrolled in an agriculture-related field at an accredited college or university are eligible to apply. Applications must be received by end of business day on Wednesday, February 15, 2025. Email completed applications to jodee@calfandheifer.org.
Kewaunee County 4-H Scholarships
Please visit our 4-H page to learn more.
Kewaunee County 4-H