Kong, S. L. (2006) Finding 1

Community-based extension and education contribute to successful community-based natural resource management among Cambodia fisheries.  The approach emphasized:

  • raising understanding among fishermen about the underlying principles of participatory democracy, ecological principles and regulatory principles of co-management;
  • nurturing, enhancing, and empowering local organizations (through participatory decision-making);
  • assisting in democratizing fishery governance at the community level to fine-tune management strategies for addressing the concerns of disadvantaged fishermen.

Beyond the Community 
The learning experience: Builds skills for flexibility and responsiveness to environmental issues and for facilitating community engagement.

Citation: Kong, S. L. (2006). Extension and community-based fisheries co-management in the great lake tonle sap, cambodia. 300 N Zeeb Rd. PO Box 1346 Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346 USA, [mailto:info@il.proquest.com], [URL:http://www.il.proquest.com/umi/dissertations/]: ProQuest Information & Learning.
Citation Type: Research