Bidwell, R. D., & Ryan, C. M. (2006) Finding 1

To assure that watershed groups can play a valuable substantive role in states’ watershed management programs, encourage and maintain heterogeneous participation in watershed partnerships as they work through assessment, planning or day-to-day operations of the partnership, wrestle with internal differences, and establish new collective goals and strategies to achieve them.

The learning experience: Evolves from work with a coalition or group.
The learning experience: Builds on locally existing skills and resources.

Beyond the Community 
The learning experience: Builds skills for flexibility and responsiveness to environmental issues and for facilitating community engagement.
The learning experience: Offers avenues for participation which are competent, fair, and enhance involvement for all levels of responsibility.

Citation: Bidwell, R. D., & Ryan, C. M. (2006). Collaborative partnership design: The implications of organizational affiliation for watershed partnerships. Society & Natural Resources, 19(9), 827-843. from the Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt database.
Citation Type: Research