Borden, R. J., K. S. Cline, T.Hussey, G. Longsworth, I. Mancinelli. (2007) Finding 1

A two-way flow of activities between college students and a watershed coalition can create a distinctive, mutually enhancing partnership that can lead to the development of new tools and resources as well as heightened awareness of needs by both students and local stakeholders.

The learning experience: Builds on locally existing skills and resources.
The learning experience: Builds effectiveness through linkages to other communities, partners, and resources.

Beyond the Community 
The learning experience: Builds skills for flexibility and responsiveness to environmental issues and for facilitating community engagement.

Citation: Borden, R. J., K. S. Cline, T.Hussey, G. Longsworth, I. Mancinelli. (2007). A River Runs Through It: A College-Community Collaboration for Watershed-based Regional Planning and Education. Human Ecology Review 14:1 (90-100)
Citation Type: Case Study