To address problems characterized by high degrees of ecological and social complexity, uncertainty and indeterminacy, as well as conflicts over values and interests; and to generate positive change in dynamic social-ecological systems, compliment public involvement processes, e.g., public comment periods, public registries, open houses, and public hearings — with a focus on inclusive and integrated efforts that can be aligned with environmental and social objectives of sustainability, and which may include such processes as visioning practices, information flows, and leadership styles.
Beyond the Community
The learning experience: Builds skills for flexibility and responsiveness to environmental issues and for facilitating community engagement.
Citation: Hayward, G., A. Diduck, & B. Mitchell. (2007). Social Learning Outcomes in the Red River Floodway Environmental Assessment. Environmental Practice, 9 (04), pp 239-250. Published online: 03 April 2008.
Citation Type: Research