Larson, S., Smith, K., Lewis, D., Harper, J., & George, M. (2005) Finding 1

For rangeland owners and managers, evaluation surveys of training outcomes are an alternative to formal reporting about implementation of nonpoint source water programs that protects confidentiality while documenting program success.

The learning experience: Promotes active engagement and real world problem solving.

The learning experience: Provides training to increase skills needed to accomplish goals identified by the group.

Class or Group 
The learning experience: Incorporates methods for assessing the value of the experience, especially as it relates to desired outcomes.

Citation: Larson, S., Smith, K., Lewis, D., Harper, J., & George, M. (2005). Evaluation of california’s rangeland water quality education program. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 58(5), 514-522. from the Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt database.
Citation Type: Research