Design partnership development training to build understanding and skills for partnership success factors and themes identified through the Leach and Pelky (2001) meta-analysis of empirical literature. (see Table 2, p. 382 for detailed list of these associated with each factor).
Focus on factors influencing partnership success:
- maintain balance between partnership resources and scope of activity
- pursue flexible and informal process
- attend to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes
- attend to institution analysis and development (IAD) processes
The learning experience: Evolves from work with a coalition or group.
The learning experience: Supports a person who takes responsibility for managing or leading the process, and relies on quality group planning and facilitation techniques.
The learning experience: Is flexible in response to both process and conditions.
The learning experience: Provides training to increase skills needed to accomplish goals identified by the group.
The learning experience: Builds effectiveness through linkages to other communities, partners, and resources.
Beyond the Community
The learning experience: Builds skills for flexibility and responsiveness to environmental issues and for facilitating community engagement.
The learning experience: Offers avenues for participation which are competent, fair, and enhance involvement for all levels of responsibility.
Citation: Leach, W. D., & Pelkey, N. W. (2001). Making watershed partnerships work: A review of the empirical literature. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 127(6), 378-385.
Citation Type: Research