Marzolla, M. (2004) Finding 1

With Latino youth programs, use place-based pedagogies so that the education of citizens might have direct bearing on the well-being of the social and ecological places people actually inhabit.

  • Allow participants to apply their learning to a wide variety of home, neighborhood and community situations.

The learning experience: Can be adapted to individual differences in learning strategies and approaches.

The learning experience: Takes into consideration the community as a whole, including: socio-political, economic, historical, and cultural influences.

Class or Group 
The learning experience: Is designed to focus on a targeted audience and is built on an understanding of audience skills and interests.

Citation: Marzolla, M. (2004). Agua Pura and Los Pescadores: Engaging Latino Youth and Families in Water Resource Issues. Best Education Practices (BEPs) for Water Outreach Professionals: Defining BEPs, Refining New Resources and Recommending Future Actions Symposium. University of Wisconsin — Environmental Resources Center.
Citation Type: Research