IV. Natural resource professionals and social dimensions aspects

CPB Self-Study Module
STEP 4. Collect audience information relevant to the environmental practice and specific behaviors


A. Introduction: Natural resource professionals can incorporate social dimensions in their work

You don’t need to be a sociologist or anthropologist in order to learn more about the human aspects of an environmental concern. Certain skills that you may already have can help you to effectively assess the human dimensions of a particular situation. The skills of being a good listener, observer, and/or group facilitator are fundamental to the methods of the social sciences.

Are you a good listener, observer, and or group facilitator? If so, then there are a number of social assessment tools that can help you learn more about the communities with which you work. These tools can also help you design, implement, and evaluate more effective outreach programs. Not sure about your skills in these areas? Don’t worry. This Changing Public Behavior self-study module helps you to determine your current level of expertise and guides you while you develop further necessary skills.

Other resources in this self-study module will help you figure out when, where, and how to find help in planning, and conducting, and evaluating social assessments of the communities with which you work :

The Self-Study modules also provide guidance in figuring out how to effectively integrate findings from social assessments into your outreach plans. See Steps 5, 6, and 7.

NEXT: What are social assessment tools and what can they do for natural resource professionals?

Social assessment tools are techniques that social scientists and educators apply to learn more about the social dimensions of a particular community.