BEP Decision Tree 1b – New plan or policy: natural resource managers

I need to develop an education program or outreach strategy:

Tree 1 – To tackle a specific water use or management problem.

Tree 1b: Solving this problem requires a new plan or policy: natural resource managers


Water or natural resource managers could be involved in this process.

Has the educator assessed manager interests (wants or needs) related to the new plan or policy?




Natural resource managers could be involved


The educator has not assessed manager interests (wants or needs) related to the new plan or policy?

Use audience assessment techniques (social science techniques) to learn what managers think.


Knowledge Areas: Social Science Applications

Changing Public Behavior Self-Study Modules: Module 4 – Collect audience information relevant to the environmental practices and specific behaviors.




The educator has assessed manager interests (wants or needs) related to the new plan or policy.

Do these managers have ideas or want to be involved in developing the new plan or policy?




Do these managers have ideas or want to be involved in developing the new plan or policy?



These managers do not have ideas or do not want to be involved in developing the new plan or policy.

Use communication or teaching strategies, and environmental education principles to increase awareness, to provide information, and to build knowledge and skills about this specific water problem.

For a brief introduction to educating for community action, see: Community-based environmental education (CBEE)



These managers have ideas or want to be involved in developing the new plan or policy.

Use communication or teaching strategies to demonstrate how to participate or to explain opportunities to become involved in helping to develop a new plan or policy.

For a brief introduction to educating for community action, see: Community-based environmental education (CBEE)