Once upon a time . . .

A little boy and a little-bit older girl sometimes lived with their mom in a yellow house and sometimes lived with their dad in a brick-covered building. Help children connect to others “like them” by introducing your child to stories about children whose parents don’t live together. Be an eParent®! Load your eReader with library […]


“If I’m really, really good will you get back together?”

“I’ll make my bed!” “I’ll get all A’s at school.” Have your children told you all the ways they will change to convince you two to be together? Children of almost any age worry that they caused their parents’ separation. Children need to hear (again and again) that they are not responsible for your separation […]


Remember how it felt when your voice was changing? ROFL!!!

Your teen is changing! They have hair in places you used to change, their voice is cracking, they have pimples…you probably remember going through these same changes! Adjusting to these differences can be tough for your teen. Keep the conversation light and the dialogue open to help your teen cope with these physical changes. Be […]


Were you born digital?

If you’ve known a digital world since birth, then you were “born digital.” Your child, who was “born digital,” is using (and developing) words and symbols that did not exist when we were their age! For instance, #momdadareancient may pop up on their Twitter feed. Conversations with your teen will begin to feel much different […]


“To be or not to be, that is the question.”

Believe it or not, your teen is thinking about what it means “to be” in life and their place in the world. One way for your child to achieve success is to become a life-long learner. Talk about how everyone is continually growing and learning. Ask your teen about an older adult they admire and […]


Ever get so angry at your teen you spouted off, “This conversation is over. You are an ungrateful brat and you’re going to do this because I SAID SO.”??? (or been tempted to say any of this?)

Your teen has developed (and is not afraid to use) higher thinking skills which can make even the simplest disagreement seem like a courtroom debate! Use discipline as a tool for teaching and guiding, not for venting or taking revenge. Be an eParent®! Instead of banning your teen from social networking sites for posting a […]


“Friending”: the act of adding someone to a list of contacts on a social networking site. NOTE: does not necessarily involve the concept of friendship (seriously…)

The online world of “friends” ranges from people your child actually knows in real life to strangers (individuals and companies) that your child has never met and with whom they have no relationship at all!  Social media gives youth a way to connect with a broad range of individuals and test “friendships.” Be an eParent®!  […]


Which flower describes you preteen?

The African Violet, which blooms throughout the year OR The Cereus Cactus which resembles a dead bush most of the year but for one summer night flowers with a glorious scent and then closes forever with the first rays of the morning sun. There may be days when your child resembles each of these flowers! […]