Lankford, B., van Koppen, B., Franks, T., & Mahoo, H. (2004) Finding 1

To improve integrated water resource management by addressing existing views held by various local entities and insufficient involvement of outside researchers in local decision making process, scientists need to work on two key fronts:

  • Action research, which involves various aspects of the research spectrum; conducting studies and assessments; and resetting research questions in the light of new knowledge;
  • Action advising, which strives to encompass various dimentions of policy making, involve various groups of stakeholders and identify the influential ones, provide advice throughout the policy making process and alter advice in the light of new experience.

The learning experience: Generates and makes use of data about the local condition.
The learning experience: Provides training to increase skills needed to accomplish goals identified by the group.

Beyond the Community 
The learning experience: Builds skills for flexibility and responsiveness to environmental issues and for facilitating community engagement.

Citation: Lankford, B., van Koppen, B., Franks, T., & Mahoo, H. (2004). Entrenched views or insufficient science?: Contested causes and solutions of water allocation; insights from the great ruaha river basin, tanzania. Agricultural Water Management, 69(2), 135-153.
Citation Type: Research