Support watershed planning groups with assistance from agencies. Continue reading →
Audience: Local decision-makers
People who provide recognized leadership in the community whether in elected, appointed, salaried, or volunteer positions
Findings Navigation: Browse by Audience; Browse by Theme; Browse by Best Education Practice; Browse by multiple topics
Alkon, A. H. (2004) Finding 1
Local understanding about place and identity can provide coherence and justification for the creation and function of an organization as well as for individual or policy decisions about land use.
Alkon, A. H. (2004) Finding 2
A decision-making process that accepts the assumption that the people most involved with a particular issue are the ones best equipped to make decision is likely to lead to constructive solutions to land use concerns. Continue reading →
Berry, K. A., Markee, N. L., Stewart, M. J., & Giewat, G. R. (1996) Finding 4
Identify and provide additional support for group-designated water “experts” Continue reading →
Bonnell, J. & A. Baird. (2004) Finding 6
Provide course activities with direct application to work responsibilities (appropriate to local context) Continue reading →
Bonnell, J. & A. Baird. (2004) Finding 5
Provide face-to-face meeting opportunities: to allow for learning from others and to provide camaraderie (networking and moral support). Continue reading →
Bonnell, J. & A. Baird. (2004) Finding 4
Provide students with autonomy in determining content and timing of learning activities. Continue reading →
Bonnell, J. & A. Baird. (2004) Finding 3
Enable students to personalize their education objectives (through pre-course interviews) Continue reading →
Berry, K. A., Markee, N. L., Stewart, M. J., & Giewat, G. R. (1996) Finding 3
Provide policy makers with a link to local information sources. Continue reading →
Leach, W. D., & Pelkey, N. W. (2001) Finding 1
Design partnership development training to build understanding and skills for partnership success factors and themes identified through the Leach and Pelky (2001) meta-analysis of empirical literature. (see Table 2, p. 382 for detailed list of these associated with each factor).
Focus on factors influencing partnership success:
- maintain balance between partnership resources and scope of activity
- pursue flexible and informal process
- attend to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes
- attend to institution analysis and development (IAD) processes