When implementing provide education programs focused on general community awareness programs (to build public support) as well as programs targeted to potential groundwater contamination contributors. Continue reading →
Best Education Practice: Community
See below for: research findings about outreach with a community.
For the Community, the learning experience:
- Builds on locally existing skills and resources.
- Supports a person who takes responsibility for managing or leading the process, and relies on quality group planning and facilitation techniques.
- Is flexible in response to both process and conditions.
- Provides participants with feedback about the results of their actions.
- Generates and makes use of data about the local condition.
- Takes into consideration the community as a whole, including: socio-political, economic, historical, and cultural influences.
- Evolves from work with a coalition or group.
- Builds effectiveness through linkages to other communities, partners, and resources.
- Takes place close to the location where people practice a behavior of concern.
- Reaches people in multiple ways.
- Relates to long-term community vision and goals.
- Provides training to increase skills needed to accomplish goals identified by the group.
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de Loe, R. C., Kreutzwiser, R. D., & Neufeld, D. (2005) Finding 2
Understand factors facilitating and constraining groundwater protection: local governmental leadership, financial resources, building linkages among key stakeholders and organizations, appropriate institutional arrangements and public support. Continue reading →
Ghanbarpour, M. R., Hipel, K. W., & Abbaspour, K. C. (2005) Finding 1
Apply group decision analysis (including needs and opportunities of stakeholders) in the long-term watershed planning process. Steps include: develop an understanding of watershed issues, problems, constraints and capabilities; consult about management strategies and alternatives; and prioritize strategies and alternatives. Continue reading →
Henriksen, H. J., Rasmussen, P., Brandt, G., Von Buelow, D., & Jensen, F. V. (2007) Finding 1
The use of Bayesian Belief Network decision support systems for groundwater management requires full involvement of stake holders during the inplementation phase. Bayesian Belief Network decision support systems organise the body of knowledge in any given area by mapping out cause-and-effect relationships among key variables and encoding them with numbers that represent the extent to which one variable is likely to affect another. Continue reading →
Henriksen, H. J., Rasmussen, P., Brandt, G., Von Buelow, D., & Jensen, F. V. (2007) Finding 2
Use Bayesian Belief Network decision support systems for complex decision-making, including structural learning, strategic integration and breakdown of barriers between different domains. But high level of frustration can occur when citizen input meetings lack structure and trail off into local and personal problems. Continue reading →
Henriksen, H. J., Rasmussen, P., Brandt, G., Von Buelow, D., & Jensen, F. V. (2007) Finding 3
Bayesian Belief Network decision support systems are most effectively used as part of a participatory process. It is imperative to get active involvement of stakeholders in this process for a proper construction of variables, selection of states, identification of links, etc. Continue reading →
Henriksen, H. J., Rasmussen, P., Brandt, G., Von Buelow, D., & Jensen, F. V. (2007) Finding 4
Strengthen public participation by addressing: lack of resources (time, money, staff), lack of rules of participation, lack of in-depth involvement of authorities, lack of hands-on use of Bayesian Belief Network decision support systems for stakeholders, and a lack of professional supervision of the decision-support process. Continue reading →
Fortner, R. W., & Corney, J. R. (2002) Finding 2
Educate teachers about innovations in curricula to ensure that they are implemented Continue reading →