Bonnell, J. & A. Baird. (2004) Finding 3

Enable students to personalize their education objectives (through pre-course interviews)

The learning experience: Assesses the learner in order to set appropriately high and challengings standards.
The learning experience: Can be adapted to individual differences in learning strategies and approaches.
The learning experience: Relates to personal interests and provides for personal choice and control. (the learning experience is “learner centered”)
The learning experience: Encourages the learner to set meaningful learning goals and to take personal responsibility for their own learning.

Citation: Bonnell, J. & A. Baird. (2004). Applying Principles of Adult Education Theory to a Professional Development Program for Watershed Group Leaders. Best Education Practices (BEPs) for Water Outreach Professionals: Defining BEPs, Refining New Resources and Recommending Future Actions Symposium. University of Wisconsin — Environmental Resources Center.
Citation Type: Research